【展覽訊息 Exhibition_10/26-11/26】走進印度石窟與神祕元素─Vandana Mengane個展 Into the Caves of India and Mystical Elements – Solo Exhibition by Vandana Mengane

走進印度石窟與神祕元素─Vandana Mengane個展


來自印度的藝術家Vandana Mengane從小喜愛繪畫及手做藝術,2017年來台,五年期間感受到與台灣的文化背景相當貼近,在台生活期間,她從環境中汲取許多素材,獲得許多啟發,推動她源源不絕的創作靈感。


Into the Caves of India and Mystical Elements – Solo Exhibition by Vandana Mengane

It is believed that being in awe of nature has helped our ancestors survive, and this has resulted in the rise of various beliefs and stories. The ancient Indian civilization, one of the most ancient civilizations in the world, is known to have made significant contributions to the fields of literature, philosophy, science and technology. To this day, India still attracts countless individuals in awe of its ancient culture.    

Taiwan-based Indian artist Vandana Mengane’ s passion for art and painting began at a young age. Vandana moved to Taiwan in 2017. During the 5 years she spent living in Taiwan, she has felt a connection to the Taiwanese culture, using the environment as her endless source of inspiration for her art. Having grown up in India, Vandana has learned to be open-minded when it comes to beliefs and objects. She loves climbing mountains and hiking and believes that the universe and all living creatures are powerful in one way or another, as presented in her works depicting the mysterious universe in the form of colors, styles, patterns and symbols. Into the Caves of India takes inspiration from the historic cave sculptures in India, featuring extraordinary architectural and artistic quality that makes people eager to discover the wonders of India’s rich ancient culture. In this series of artworks, Vandana presents Trinity, Buddha, Shiv Linga and one of the principal deities Vishnu, using mixed media and her impressions of Indian caves to depict the 10 incarnations of the deity that surprisingly matches the human evolution theory presented by modern science. Mystical Elements, which is influenced by the Vedas (a large body of texts originated in ancient India which contains hymns, philosophy, and guidance on ritual), incorporates acrylic painting into mixed media art to depict auspicious symbols and colors, using different colors to represent the 7 chakras (energy points) of the human body.  According to the Vedas, the colors and symbols are imbued with different spiritual meanings and are believed to bring about health and happiness to people.

No. 200, Zhongbei Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320314, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel  :+886-3-265-1261、+886-3-265-1260  傳真:+886-3-265-1269

2022 © 中原大學藝術中心(Art Center, CYCU)

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