【展覽訊息 Exhibition_02/21-05/11】刀光筆影繪初心─李元慶、梁成福雙個展 Harmony of Brush and Blade by Yuan-Ching LEE and Cheng-Fu LIANG









Harmony of Brush and Blade by Yuan-Ching LEE and Cheng-Fu LIANG


Artist Yuan-Ching LEE, a graduate of the National Taiwan Normal University’s Institute of Fines Arts and the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts (ENSBA) in Paris, seeks to bridge the gap between traditional Chinese painting and contemporary art. His dedication to infusing ink washes with a narrative, a clarity that speaks in simple language,  is evident in his landscapes. Yuan-Ching’s work, free from traditional constraints, uses a flowing, script-like stroke and tone to “write” a painting rather than “create” one to express his “true self” more directly, allowing the essence of the self to flow from the tip of the brush. His unique “Elf” collection, developed over the past decade, is a testament to the free-flowing spirit. With an unburdened mind, he initiates the painting process from a spontaneous, intuitive place, letting the canvas guide the unfolding inspiration. This free, seamless approach speaks directly to the unity of the body, mind, and spirit in his creations.

Cheng-Fu LIANG, a surgeon practicing medicine for over thirty years, began his artistic journey at the age of sixty. Described as wielding a scalpel in one hand, and an engraving tool in the other, Cheng-Fu is passionate about porcelain carving. His unique techniques, showcased even at the Louvre in France, make him a self-taught, singular talent. Despite the demanding nature of his medical profession, Cheng-Fu turns to carving as a means to settle his thoughts and give himself a recharge. Beyond recording the beauty of words, he aims to infuse the characters he carves with a harmonious force to benefit society.

The collaboration between Yuan-Ching and Cheng-Fu, spanning over two decades, began with a visit to Yingge of New Taipei City. Yuan-Ching writes on ceramic clay bodies, while Cheng-Fu sculpts. Together, they have crafted over two million characters, ranging from ancient texts and scriptures to poems, songs, and more. The completion of their porcelain carving works involves a team effort, from wheel throwing, writing, engraving, to glazing. The fusion of their efforts and the technical expertise of the Yingge Open House culminate in the birth of each piece at a scorching 1,280 degrees Celsius. It is not just the fusion of brush and blade, but an intricate dance of hands and minds.

Harmony of Brush and Blade by Yuan-Ching LEE and Cheng-Fu LIANG showcases Yuan-Ching’s paintings and calligraphy alongside Cheng-Fu’s porcelain carvings. Yuan-Ching, who joyously paints and writes, seamlessly navigates the realms of calligraphy and painting with a solid and flexible technique. He stands as a pioneer and practitioner, merging the modern with the traditional. Cheng-Fu, with his disciplined carving, etches a new chapter in artistic expression, preserving cultural heritage through the art of words.



展覽日期 Duration

2024 / 02 / 21 – 2024 / 03 / 30(*部分展品延展至 05 / 11)


茶會暨藝術家導覽 Tea Party and Artists Guided Tour

2024 / 02 / 27 Tue. 12:10-13:00


開放時間 Open Hours

週一至週五 Mon. – Fri.  10:00-17:00

週六 Sat.  13:00-17:00


Closed on Feb. 28 and Sundays 

*免費自由參觀 Free and Welcome


展覽地點 Venue

中原大學藝術中心(桃園市中壢區中北路200號,全人教育村北棟一、二樓 / 沐樂展覽廳)

Art Center, CYCU (1-2F, Muller Exhibition Hall / Holistic Education Village, No. 200, Zhongbei Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City)


協辦單位 Co-organizer
財團法人桃園市客家文化基金會 Taoyuan Hakka Culture Foundation

No. 200, Zhongbei Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320314, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel  :+886-3-265-1261、+886-3-265-1260  傳真:+886-3-265-1269

2022 © 中原大學藝術中心(Art Center, CYCU)

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